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permissions.\n- Download the Client Certificate and Credentials necessary once the project has been setup.\n\nAuthentication and Access to the Clara API:\n\n- To gain access to the API send a request to /oauth/token\n- Include the necessary parameters in your request, such as the client_id and client_secret, along with the certificates.\n- On successful request you will receive an access_token, scopes, and the number of expiration days for the token.\n- Refer to the documentation to see the appropriate requirements.\n\nUsing the Access Token:\n\n- Refer to the API documentation provided by Clara to check the available endpoints and their functionalities.\n- Include the access token in the request headers 'bearer token' of your API requests, along with the certificates.\n- Ensure that the access token is valid and has the necessary scopes to perform the action.\n", "title": "Clara API", "version": "1.0", "contact": { "email": "contacto@clara.com" } }, "openapi": "3.1.0", "externalDocs": 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